Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Just Saying

Hi everyone. I do apologize for taking months in between my blog posts. Time has a way of flying out the window with the clock. LOL.

I am trying to find a way to promote my book, The Story of Duke. It is a very good book and hard to put down. Sometimes it makes one cry and sometimes it has one laughing so hard they can hardly stop. It is humorous, serious, and just plain good to read.

I have advertised it on some groups I am in but not getting feedback on it. It is discouraging to finally get a book in print that was over 20 years in the writing, then have it move so slowly. Hopefully, it won't be 20 years before it takes off!

I am also discouraged because my heart is still in the same shape it was a year ago. I am taking meds but they aren't helping all the time. God will have to do His work in me and heal me because I am not going to be eligible for the procedure if the Afib doesn't get under control soon.

Please pray for me. 

I love you all,
