Friday, January 15, 2021

Things happening so far.

 well, readers, it has been a couple years since I have blogged. My brother, Bob, was a blogger and he passed away a few months ago so I have decided to keep writing as it is something that will live on as long as there is someone to read it.

In 2018 I had a grandson and a great grandson born just three weeks apart. Then in 2019 I had two great grandsons born just a few weeks apart. It was a busy two years. Oh yes, a great granddaughter was born in 2019 also. what sucks is that my daughter is expecting a baby girl in March and I won't be able to go into the room with her on account of the COVID-19 regulations.

I will write more tomorrow or soon because i am very tired and my eyes are drooping heavily. /Good night all. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Just Saying

Hi everyone. I do apologize for taking months in between my blog posts. Time has a way of flying out the window with the clock. LOL.

I am trying to find a way to promote my book, The Story of Duke. It is a very good book and hard to put down. Sometimes it makes one cry and sometimes it has one laughing so hard they can hardly stop. It is humorous, serious, and just plain good to read.

I have advertised it on some groups I am in but not getting feedback on it. It is discouraging to finally get a book in print that was over 20 years in the writing, then have it move so slowly. Hopefully, it won't be 20 years before it takes off!

I am also discouraged because my heart is still in the same shape it was a year ago. I am taking meds but they aren't helping all the time. God will have to do His work in me and heal me because I am not going to be eligible for the procedure if the Afib doesn't get under control soon.

Please pray for me. 

I love you all,


Monday, May 14, 2018

Mother's Day Recap

Good Afternoon!

It has been a while since I was on here. I don't really have anything to write about except that I am in AFib a lot and it really is annoying. It stops me dead in my tracks. I have such a hard time doing anything when I am short winded like that. I take a few steps and have to stop and usually go sit down. I know I am a baby about this but it no fun at all not being able to do what I wish to do. 
I was scheduled for a procedure to fix the problem but the DR. found a blood clot in my heart and couldn't do it. I got retested after two months and it was gone but there isn't a scheduled appointment yet for the procedure.
I went to church with my hubby and came home and relaxed all day. then in the evening, my kids came over and we played cards for a while. 

That's it for now. I am sharing a video and my story of Duke on a few sites I recently joined.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Just a note to my followers

Good morning readers. I am just sitting here waiting for my daughter to get ready. We are going into town to do some banking and some shopping. Two of my least favorite things to do. LOL.

I hope all goes well and we find some good deals today. Money is tight and it is hard to part with it sometimes. I am going to order some tracts to put out so people can read about Jesus and His work on the cross. He is risen! Amen! God is good always. Always God is good.

Hubby and I are going to go to the movies to watch 'I can only imagine" I heard it is an excellent show. 

Good bye for now.