Well, as usual here I am several months later from my last blog. I do apologize. I am thrilled that my book is finally published and I am trying to get it advertised so it can pick up more sells. I entered it into a Christain publishing contest but didn't even get a mention. I wonder why. It is a very well written story and makes one cry and laugh when one reads it. It is just not what they wanted I suppose.
The book has been mailed out to several people, including Glen Beck. I'm not sure he has seen it but I know it reached his company. If the people who read it would leave reviews on Amazon I am sure it would make more sales. We have sold many but would like God to bless us with enough sales so we won't have to sell our home. Yes, we are in danger of that because our income is changing drastically but unfortunately, the bills aren't. Just a few hundred dollars extra each month would help us be able to maintain our finances. It is so hard to face this issue.
I do not want to leave, we are surrounded by redwood trees and 3 1/2 acres of beautiful land. Beautiful if you like living in the area that is wilderness like. Tall trees, blue Jays, little sparrows and deer, elk, and bears, even a mountain lion. These are some of the animals we encounter once in a while. Oh yes, I must not forget our racoon. He comes around once in a while too.
Please pray for our family. I am going to write a book about our lives from my marriage until now. It will have a few sequels and will be about true adventues and hard ships, might I say trials, and God's grace and provision for us. God is good always, always God is good.