Monday, July 3, 2017


It is beautiful outside. Sunny and warm. I am inside trying to pay bills. As usual there isn't enough money to pay all. I am a few hundred shy but can make it up somewhere. I suppose. God has blessed this family so much. I cannot overlook the blessings He has bestowed on us. It is still a hard knock when one can't stretch the paydays to cover basic needs. Some bills I can let go but food is a necessity and where does that come from? The grocery store. Our power bill jumped from $100 last month to nearly twice that this month. It hurts and we cannot figure out totally why it did that. I know God provides. It isn't always easy waiting upon the Lord. He knows all of us so well. He will help in our time of need.
I am not up  to par today. My breathing is erratic again and I can barely stand up to do things. This is the fourth of July weekend. We have out of town company down the road at a camp site so will try to visit with them today. 
bye now. till we meet again.

1 comment:

  1. I completely understand. We live paycheck to paycheck and beyond. Somehow it always works. Praying for supernatural provision for you, peace and rest.
