Sunday, August 28, 2016


I am sorry that it has taken me so long to get back to my blog. I don't have any excuse other than I am the world's greatest procrastinator I think.
Have you ever lived in a 24 foot camp trailer? Have you ever lived in a 24 foot camp trailer for two and a half years? Have you ever lived in a 24 foot camp trailer for two and a half years with a husband, a cat, and five grandchildren and one child of your own? Well guess what, I have. To top it off  there was no well or running water, no bathroom, just an outdoor toilet and an outdoor shower, and no power! Gee how did we survive all that. Grab a cup of coffee or tea or even hot chocolate, my favorite hot drink, and pull up an easy chair and read about this wonderful, amazing, faith building
experience of a lifetime.
My hubby, Gary, and I had just sold our home and purchased some acreage in the redwoods. We paid cash for the land and cash for the home we were going to have built. It was a metal structure and would be made into a six bedroom, four bathroom house. We were raising five grand kids and still had a daughter of our own living with us at that time. We opted to move onto the property and live in a camp trailer while the home was being built.
 We had paid for everything except the contractor so would have been out of debt. It took over two years of haggling with the county over codes and issues so we did not get our home erected. It was going to be low maintenance, made out of metal, but because there was no other ones around to compare for an appraisal we were not allowed to build it. After much prayer, we decided to get a double wide trailer.
While waiting for the home, we went without power, a well and a toilet. We carried water from our neighbors for bathing and showers. We gave the kids baths in a large round metal tub and we took showers in an outdoor shower my husband put together. We used a rental toilet which we had emptied each week. We ate outside on our picnic table and I cooked on the gas stove in the trailer. It sure was crowded but we had a great time. The kids were little and my husband did hand puppets for them at night. I joined Netflix and we used the laptop to watch dvds at night. Every day I would take the computer in to my parent's house and charge it. I did okay with it all and for the most part so did everyone else. The two oldest slept on the bed that was made from the table, two slept in the walk way and two slept on the floor beside our bed. It was like camping out every day.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Jeanne, that is amazing! But it doesn't surprise me, because I know that you and your family have so much love for one another that you would make living in a box work somehow. I love this story. My husband and I were just talking about pole barn homes the other day. They are becoming quite popular now, and if you Google them, you will see some pretty magnificent homes. I'm sorry the County took your hope of your dream home away. I look forward to reading more of your story! Love you, sweet friend! ❤
